How old is Burgess Owens? When is Burgess Owens's birthday? Where is Burgess Owens born? Where did Burgess Owens grow up from? What's Burgess Owens's age?
Burgess Owens Born: August 2, 1951 (age 71years), Columbus, Ohio, United States
Is Burgess Owens married? When did Burgess Owens get married? Who's Burgess Owens's married to? (Who's Burgess Owens's husband / wife)?
Burgess Owens Spouse: Josie Owens (m. ?2012)
How about Burgess Owens's education?
Burgess Owens Education: Rickards High School, University of Miami
How about Burgess Owens's nationality?
Burgess Owens Nationality: American
How tall is Burgess Owens in meters or centimeters?
Burgess Owens Height: 1.88m
How about Burgess Owens's current office?
Burgess Owens Current office: Representative (R-UT 4th District) since 2021
What religion is Burgess Owens?
Personal life. According to his website, Owens was married for 34 years and had six children before he and his wife divorced. He is a prostate cancer survivor. Owens is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has spoken publicly about his faith.
Who is the black politician in Utah?
Burgess Owens is the Congressman from Utah's Fourth Congressional District.
Who is the black senator from Utah?
Burgess Owens | | Library of Congress.
Who is the congressman for West Jordan Utah?
Hi, I'm Burgess Owens.