Should Christians Watch 'Yellowstone?' Religious Authors Weigh In

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Sunday, October 6, 2024

While Yellowstone may be one of the most popular shows on TV, some viewers are worried that it doesn't fall in line with the values of Christianity.

Taylor Sheridan's modern-day Western based in Montana is deep into its fifth season with no signs of slowing down. Its success has prompted the launch of two prequel shows—1883 and 1923—that are as gritty and brutal as viewers have come to expect from Yellowstone.

With millions of people tuning in to watch Yellowstone each week, some have resorted to questioning, "should Christians watch Yellowstone?" The question was a trending topic on Google, so Newsweek sought the advice of some experts who can confidently answer that question.

"Are there things that I wish were not in the show? Yes, of course," author, poet, and musician Mike Booth told Newsweek. "I genuinely wish the language was tempered some, and the sexual content is a little concerning but, overall, the cowboy way is God, family, and country and I believe this is understood within the series."

Booth's latest book delves into his personal links between the Western lifestyle and Christianity in A Cowboy Remembers: Western, Religious, & Patriotic Poetry.

"Yellowstone is interesting to myself and my wife because of the way John Dutton is trying to preserve his family and his legacy for the land he loves," Booth continued. "It also addresses the struggles and efforts of the Native American people of Montana as they too attempt to preserve what portions of their heritage they can."

Fellow author and Christian, James Henry Dobkowski concurred with much of Booth's stance.

"My answer to the question is, 'Why not?'" Dobkowski told Newsweek. "It's fiction, and if the show offends you or tempts you to sin, shut it off."

He's experienced life on a ranch and has spent time staying in a bunkhouse, which he noted was very different from the bunkhouse seen in Yellowstone.

"There's a mysticism in the West, a freedom one feels, and a communion with the works of God which is unmatched—except maybe in the holiest of worship," he said.

Dobkowski is the author of Corporation YOU: A Business Plan for the Soul, and of the Faith Ties series of shorts.

Yellowstone comes with a TV-MA rating, meaning its content should be consumed by mature audiences only. Common Sense Media, an independent organization that rates TV, movies, and games for families, has labeled Yellowstone with a 15+ age rating.

Although Yellowstone does contain scenes of violence, sex, and profanity, Dobkowski suggested this darkness still contains religious parallels.

"Let me start by saying that I believe that God is present in all our wounds—and there are a lot of wounds in Yellowstone.

"Whether one believes their way of worship is the one true faith, God in his infinite wisdom and his permissive will has allowed multiple forms of praise to flourish so the multitude can find our way back to him—and isn't this what happens in almost every episode?" Dobkowski continued, adding, "Each character has their own demons to contend with, but the weak, the infirm, and even the dead, always return to the field hospital, this place of worship: Yellowstone.

"So, in that sense, though 'the actions' of the characters may be often sinful and not 'particularly religious,' Yellowstone may be one of the most 'religious' shows on television."

Ultimately, both Dobkowski and Booth believe only the watcher can determine whether Yellowstone is "appropriate" to watch and whether it falls in line with their personal values.

"Each of us that proclaim to be a Christian has a very personal relationship with Jesus and each of us must decide what is acceptable and what is not," Booth said.

"To me, there is no wrong answer as to what to watch. Just remember that whatever you are watching is a situation that you are inviting into your home. So only you can decide what is right and what is not right for you."

He added, "We as a nation are allowed to make our own decisions and that makes us extremely lucky people."

Dobkowski explained his rule for what he thinks can be deemed appropriate for Christians.

"All I can say is: if you can't sit down and watch the show with your priest or pastor, that's usually a good sign not to watch something."

Uncommon Knowledge

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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